[Featured article] How To Plan An Economical Sober Vacation: Strategies For Creating The Perfect Trip

Thanks to Joe Rees who reached out to write this article for my blog. Hope you enjoy it!

Vacations can be a fantastic time for those working through addiction recovery to regroup, as taking a break and getting a fresh start for moving forward can be a welcome opportunity. There are plenty of great ways to take a sober vacation, but not everybody has the budget to take an extravagant trip. Here are some options for those who need a budget-friendly, sober getaway.

Consider visiting family-friendly spots or local attractions

The Canyon suggests looking for spots that are family-friendly or cultural, with locations like Yosemite National Park or the Grand Canyon rising to the top of the list. National Parks and similar destinations are not only typically gentle on the pocketbook, but they are great places to rejuvenate without being overly worried about having to avoid temptation.

If you don't have the budget available to fly off to a cultural city where you can check out museums, historical sites, and other attractions, look closer to home and make a plan to be a tourist in your own city. People commonly forget about some local treasures they have available when it comes to tourism and culture, and you can plan a sober vacation that involves day trips or some economical nights nearby to get a break from your everyday routines.

National Geographic recommends looking for a historic tour of your city, or a city nearby, and considering booking a room at a bed-and-breakfast for a relaxing change of pace. Consider local spots that you've always meant to check out but never do, and you may get some new ideas if you read through travel sites or the newspaper as a tourist looking for ideas rather than a typical resident.

Utilize flexibility in timing to grab great deals

Another way to put together a budget-friendly sober vacation is to stay as flexible as possible in your timing notes Nomadic Matt. Even vacations involving cruises or airfare and hotel packages can be done on the cheap if you can be flexible in your timing. In addition, Money Crashers points out that you may find it relatively easy to find inexpensive travel options if your schedule allows for travel during the school year or off-season rather than during typical break times.

You can also stretch your traveling budget by putting together a sober vacation that leads you to someplace a bit off the beaten path. This can apply to both domestic and international travels and just takes a bit of creativity. Skip the usual tourist traps or most popular destinations that frequently cost more due to their popularity and look for hidden gems that allow for a fun adventure without the high price tags.

Look for ways to trim costs and utilize available discounts

Sober vacations can be economical if you focus on an outdoor adventure like camping, rafting, backpacking, or hiking. If that type of trip isn’t your cup of tea, you can look at options for a spa getaway that may be as simple as a massage and a quiet evening at a hotel away from home if pre-arranged spa packages are too costly.

MoneyNing details that it can be helpful to search for every possible discount that might help knock the price down. You might be able to get a group discount if you're traveling with friends or ask about military, student, age, or membership discounts if you fall into those buckets. Utilize reward programs when available and continue to search for discounts and deals even after you've made your initial arrangements.

Also, remember to keep safety in mind. Many travelers fall victim to theft; make a plan for keeping valuables safe and don't carry a lot of cash, especially if you travel abroad. If you're heading to a place like Cancun, Monte Cristi, or Rio, you might even want to set up an account with a low-cost but trustworthy money transfer service in case you hit a snag. This way you can be sure you have access to funds in the event something goes wrong.

Last but not least, a great way to capitalize on the peace and excitement you feel while on vacation is to try and turn your home into an oasis of wellness once you get home. Basically, the goal is for your home to be as positive a place as possible, free of self-criticism and negativity. That way, you can make that good feeling last, so you can feel even more recharged – and be in an even better mindset for your next getaway!

Taking a sober vacation during your addiction recovery can provide a powerful opportunity to rejuvenate and embrace your new life. Budget is often a concern, but there are plenty of options that run on the economical side. For example, look for local outings or utilize flexibility in your timing to book the perfect trip. Don’t forget to take advantage of discounts and reward programs and consider destinations that are somewhat off the beaten path. It may take a bit of work and creativity, but it is possible to have a great sober vacation that is also budget-friendly.

Marie-Céline of MC Follows the Sun has 3 passions in life: sports, travels, and people. More than a living journal, this blog allows her to provide tips to fellow travelers. If you have any questions or suggestions, please email marieceline.piednoir@gmail.com

"Inspired by storm chasers of the past, Joe Rees dedicated his life to protecting his family amidst storms of growing intensities. From this inspiration, he tries his best to reach out to various audiences about protecting oneself and family against natural disasters."